现为国家税务总局南京税务学院领导,Training各地税务局长、税务稽查科员。拥有近20年税务机关征收、管理、税政、稽查、涉外税收工作经验。国际特许注册会计师(ACCA),中国注册会计师(CICPA),中国注册税务师(CTA),南京大学会计学博士、国家税务总局税务干部进修学院知名教授、全国著名税务专家、中央财经大学国际税务研究中心特聘研究员、中国税务报特聘专家、武汉大学财税法研究中心特聘研究员。拥有近20年税务机关征收、拥有10多年税务机关、管理、税政、稽查、涉外税收、企业实务工作经验。Now as the leader of Institute of Taxation in State Administration of Taxation, teaching the chiefs and workers of tax bureau from different place. He has more than ten years work experience in levy, management, Tax Administration, Check, foreign-related taxation of tax authority. ACCA, CICPA, CTA Doctor of Accounting in Nanjing University, Follow-up education teacher of Shanghai National Accounting Institute & Management center of Jiangsu Certified Tax Agents.
上海国家会计学院、江苏省注册税务师管理中心后续教育师资,《中国税务报》、《中国税务》特约撰稿人。在《财务与会计》(综合版、理财版)、《中国税务》、《涉外税务》、《中国税务报》等报刊杂志发表上百篇文章。Staff writer of China Taxation News, China Taxation
He had taught the EU Chamber of Commerce, Tax authorities, and fortune 500 companies, the contents are very useful, and His teaching method met with universal acceptance.
Publication on Finance & Accounting (Comprehensive Edition, Financial version) ,China Taxation, foreign-related taxation, China Taxation News for hundreds of papers.